Tibetan bowls are an ultimate source for achieving a state of deep relaxation. After a long, stressful day, the sounds and vibrations from the singing bowls can take you to immensely relaxing state, both mental and physical, which is a great alternative to the modern medicines.

The best thing about the singing bowls is that you don’t need a healer every time you need to relax. You can just play for yourself and just an half an hour long session would be enough to get the desired results. Here’s how you can achieve that:

Lay down on a comfortable surface, preferably a thick mattress on the ground. If you don’t have an access to a mattress, you can use a yoga mattress or any mat which keeps you off the hard ground. Place the bowl on your chest and strike it softly with a mallet. Use a soft mallet, if you are using a big bowl. Lower sounds are good for the start. The bass produced through the big bowls bring instant peace to mind. You will feel the vibrations spreading all across your body, resonating through your chest to every part of the body. These vibrations will massage your body internally and relax your stiff muscles. Your ears will bring those vibrations straight to your brain and hence bring it to the relaxed state. You can keep a cushion under your head, in case the bowl isn’t rested properly on your chest. You can make adjustments accordingly.


What will you learn in 40 hours of Sound Healing Teacher Training Certification Course.

  • Use Sound as one of the most effective tools to relax into a natural meditation process, without straining or using the willpower.
  • Train your mind come back to the state of meditation when it starts to wonder. And to do it instantly.
  • Let go of your expectations relating meditation and start truly enjoying the process.
  • Discover (or remind yourself) that the way to a more meaningful, fulfilling and happy life lay through self-awareness and meditation.
  • Develop the attitude to meditation as to a natural part of life.



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